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owww shinny new Razer Wi-Fi Router

Robag's picture

I was looking on the internet and i found this

Gaming is a huge business these days, and no, I am not just talking about PC and consoles. Believe it or not, many people are playing legit games — such as Fortnite — on mobile devices too. Regardless of platform, there is one common theme — online gaming. Yes, these days, gaming online is probably more popular than playing with one’s self offline. And so, having a quality Wi-Fi router is a must.

Today, popular company Razer announces its own router (designed with Design Labs, maker of the “Portal Mesh Wi-Fi Router”) and it is sexy as hell. Called “Sila,” it leverages an impressive nine internal antennas. The design is basic — a rectangle, more or less — but there is beauty and elegance in its simplicity. It will look great in a teen’s bedroom next to an Xbox, for instance, but also, it will fit perfectly in a family living room.




Fuzz's picture

That is a damn nice looking router

Reminds me of Box from Silicon Valley.

Robag's picture

I know Right

it is currently listed on the Australian store

free shipping as well by the looks of it.

lolz Silicon Valley :)


Fuzz's picture



n0mad's picture

Razer Light s0ld it f0r me

Seri0usly cant have en0ugh razer lights flashing.

Like the inclusi0n 0f usb input f0r external drives.

I’m s0ld.
n0mad taps m0nitor with credit card.

Life needs m0re chilli tuna sushi.

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